Alesis DM6 Drum Module Review Tube. Duration : 8.97 Mins.
This is the Alesis DM6 Review. I go through all the specs sounds and everything else about this module. I also tell you who this is recommended for as well as who I feel it is not. Watch to the end of the review to hear some sounds of the module. Sounds in the video was not played by me as the sounds we recorded did not come out correctly. To purchase the Alesis DM69 for 9.95 go here Cena's Corner is proud partners with: 5 Year warranty and we will not be beat! Music Game Authors http Charting that ROCKS your gameplay! Cena's Corner Website Cena's Corner Email Cena's Corner is the proud owner of Team Cena! http
Tags: alesis DM6, rock band parts, module, drums, real gear, cenascorner, review, Cenas, Corner